The Dom is in the fridge and it is only 70 minutes until Dean turns 21. Wow. Sunrise, Sunset or what?! We have had a tradition for the last 12 years that when a monumental milestone in a life is achieved we buy a bottle of Dom
Perignon and toast the success, blessing, and celebration of life with that person. Mainly it has been reserved for great achievement at work but we decided to signify the celebration of Dean's life with the special champagne tomorrow. I love relishing the moments of daily life because that is all we have....
daily life. I can't afford to waste the daily moment by waiting for the "special moment"!
In preparing for the festivities tomorrow I once again forgot to eat after 10 am this morning. It was 8:00 pm when I was out running errands and realized I was famished. I didn't want to grab anything substandard through a drive-
thru so waited until I got home to eat dinner at 9:20! I hardly think it matters if you eat something mediocre at 9:20 or garbage at 8:00. The outcome is the same: fat cells enlarge! FYI: I have gained 5 pounds. Double dang.
Well in the morning I will exercise and anticipate toasting with the monk, Dom Perignon.