It's a good thing my husband doesn't read blogs. This gives me license to confess publicly those things he may never why his protein bars are MIA. I decided I like those little peanut butter ones and I don't always plan my menu so I just take one at a time and slide them into the dark chasm of my gigantuan purse. (Is gigantuam a George W word? I always loved it when he made up words). ANYWAY, at some point he will question me about them and I will cock my head sideways and squint my eyes and say, "Hmm" like I am really concentrating on where those little rascals could be. And he will saunter off and that will be that. I love that man.
Hudson- 5000 E. Marginal Way Seattle
10 years ago
You called me a creep! Thats ok, I'll forgive you at the same time as I win the contest and take your money.