Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pruning my frame of mind

I just got home from church where I saw a friend who has lost 45 pounds. I was shocked. I was also motivated. I have been doing well exercising but the eating has gotten out of hand! It has been a pattern in my life to either do well with exercise or eating but not usually both at the same time. I am ready to change that cycle. I will surrender what I think I want at the moment and do the right thing instead. Period. What a great day to make a turn.

Yesterday Tim and I ran the lake loop which is nice because it is softer than the pavement and is much more scenic. Afterward I came home and started butchering my olive trees. That was a workout all by itself. We have a system: I prune and Tim picks up after me. I like that system. The fog is burning off and I am going to go put on my running shoes!

1 comment:

  1. Good job with the running! Could Tim come over and pick up after me when I prune my rose bushes?
